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Telehealth Services

What if you could have a 100% video encrypted chat with your patients and bill the encounter the same as normal office visit?

How does it work?

Since no one really knows when this crisis will end, we've come up with a Disaster Response Platform.

In the past, Telehealth has been too complicated, too clunky, and took too much time to implement

Our Telehealth Platform delivers:

Powerful Benefits

 Video conversation

 HIPAA compliant

Fully encrypted

- Simple, fast and easy to implement
- Re-engage patients during a crisis
- Billed the same as a regular office visit
- Annual wellness visits performed
- Controlled substances checked
- Keep your staff busy
- Maintain your patient population
- Protect you and your staff

Some of the visits you can perform with Telehealth:
- Routine office visits
- Annual Wellness Visits
- Controlled Substances check ups
- Refill medications
- Send outbound messages to patients

All this at No Cost to You:
- No Subscription Fees
- No Up-front fees
- No integration fees

In the past, Telehealth has been too complicated, too clunky, and took too much time to implement

How Can Our Programs Support You?

Reach out and let us do a free evaluation of your practice to determine if our Chronic Care Management program is right for your practice.

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